Resources for Responsible Gaming

Sportsnet is committed to promoting and educating audiences about the importance of betting responsibly. The sports betting industry is heavily regulated, and as broadcasters it is our top priority to ensure we comply with all regulations that have been put forth.

The current AGCO guidelines can be found here, which outlines all of the current regulations that we are operating under. We recognize that sports betting content and advertising represents a change for audiences and we are being extremely thoughtful about the volume and content of the commercial inventory that we are allotting to sports betting partners to ensure we continue to offer a quality viewing experience.

In addition, we are dedicating a portion of our airtime to PSAs and responsible gaming messaging to help raise awareness and ensure consumers have the tools and information they need to participate safely and get help if necessary.

You're not alone. Here's how to find help near you.

A nationwide organization that promotes mental health and supports people recovering from mental illness, the CMHA has 330 community-based locations across Canada.

Visit this page to find the location nearest you.

What is problem gambling? These resources can help you learn more.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association:

"Gambling is a leisure activity that may occur over a continuum, ranging from casual social gambling, with no harm caused, to pathological gambling, with serious harmful consequences for the individual gambling and their loved ones.

"Gambling becomes a problem when it is done excessively and negatively affects a person’s daily activities, school or work performance, mental health, physical health, interpersonal relationships, and finances.

"People who experience problems with gambling are found in all age groups, across all income groups and social strata, across all genders and race. For some, the challenges with gambling may occur suddenly whereas for others, over many years of use."

Further information on gambling, problem gambling, and developing a healthy relationship to gambling can be found on the Canadian Mental Health Association's page devoted to gambling.

The Responsible Gambling Council, an independent non-profit organization which has been among the leaders in the prevention of problem gambling in Canada for more than three decades, has information tailored to the general public, young adults, and organizations.


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